Digitizing Embroidery is the manual placement of stitches and machine commands that a digital embroidery machine can follow. It is a highly specialized business. Without proper experience, Embroidery Digitizers projects can look and perform poorly. If you’ve ever experienced embroidery that’s hard to read, curled, wavy, or has misaligned design elements, it’s probably due to improper digitization.
The word digitizing means that the artwork is somehow automatically converted into stitches. Well, that’s far from the truth. Most digitizations take time and require special experience and software. In your embroidery business, you likely have an expert embroidery digitizer who creates the high-quality embroidery files you need to run your digitizing machine.
Why do Expert Digitizers Matter?
Many digitizers have spent a lot of time working on embroidery. Learned how stitches and embroidery affect different garments. What types of stitches work and which types don’t, how to use small stitches or stop the embroidery machine to create complex, layered stitch effects and embroidery designs. A team or individual who has spent some time managing an embroidery digitizing machine.
Since there is no official school to learn how to digitize embroidery, this is the most efficient way to learn how to operate an embroidery machine. You can also find out which stitch layout your machine prefers the most.
The Spirit of the Embroidery Digitizers
Digitizer is special because it’s artistic and adheres to a highly ordered list of dos and don’ts for embroidery. An Embroidery Digitizer is a digital sewing machine that operates at 800 to 1,200 stitches per minute. Production managers are looking for ways to reduce production time. Digitizers should know this and create designs with fewer color changes, fewer stitches, fewer trims, and fewer stops. They do all this while creating quality embroidered products that work well. To digitize effectively, an embroidery digitizer must create a map or list of which parts of the artwork should be sewn first, then, etc. You also need to know the size of your final design and the type of material it will be run on very different from.
Important considerations when Digitizing Artwork
1. Underlay Stitches
A back stitch is a pattern that can be sewn underneath a design first to prevent the garment from bunching up or shrinking with wear and washing. You won’t see these stitches in the final design, but these Stages are important to great sewing production. Novice digitizers looking to shave seconds off of their products might not consider this step, but the impact will be felt over time.
2. Pull Compensation
Tension Compensation refers to the extra length added to a stitch to compensate for the natural push and pull of the garment being embroidered. The natural movement of fabric in response to thread tension is one of the most important learning curves in becoming an embroidery digitizer expert and creating beautiful embroidered products.
3. Stitch Types
Stitch types are the different ways a machine stitches a particular area and determines the final look of your embroidery. Knowing the area and using the correct stitch type is important. Using the wrong stitch type for an area and not knowing the limits of your embroidery machine can result in lost stitches across areas, frequent thread breaks, and long production times. These problems can also lead to messy, unfinished, or frayed seams that can fray over time. The main types of embroidery stitches are manual stitch, satin stitch, fill stitch and running stitches. Each of these stitch types is used for specific reasons and each is widely used in the industry.
4. Fabric Type
The type of fabric should also be considered when creating embroidery works. For example, light-knitted cotton reacts to stitches very differently than heavy vinyl fabric and can handle a certain number of stitches correctly.
5. Order of Embroidery
When digitizing, you should also pay attention to the order of embroidery. Underlays, fill stitches, and finishing satin stitches enhance the look of embroidery.
Embroidery is a great printing method when used properly and digitized. Embroidery can maximize the value of your items and add a touch of class to your items. Plus, it’s durable and long-lasting. Get the best digitizing results with Expert Digitizers.
I hope this blog gave you a basic understanding of Custom Embroidery Digitizing. It sheds light on what it takes to create quality embroidery.
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