Near me speech pathologist- How does the therapist help you?

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Do your kids have speech disorders or communication problems? Often, adults also have speech impairments due to illness and serious injury. You can treat the disorder with speech therapy provided by professional pathologists. Speech-language pathologists, also known as speech therapists, use the best techniques for effective communication. You can go online and start your search with the phrase- The best near me speech pathologist.

When should you contact the speech pathologist?

Speech therapy is effective for treating different disorders, including-

Articulation disorder

It refers to the ability to create word sounds properly. Children with articulation disorders can swap, drop, and distort various word sounds. For instance, the distorted version of ‘this’ is ‘thith’.

Fluency problems

Those with fluency issues cannot maintain the rhythm, speed, and flow of the speech. Cluttering and stuttering are common fluency disorders. If your kids stutter, they may not be able to get out a sound. Besides, those who clutter merge words and speak fast.

Receptive disorders

If you have a problem with receptive language, you will not be able to understand and process the words told by others. As a result, you may not feel interested in what they say. Besides, you may not have a strong vocabulary. Some other problems, like hearing loss, autism, and head injury, may cause receptive language issues.

Resonance disorders

The blockage of airflow in the oral or nasal cavities affects the vibrations that make a difference in voice quality. Sometimes, the velopharyngeal valve cannot get closed correctly. Resonance problems are also related to neurological problems, swollen tonsils, and cleft palate. 

Expressive disorders

It is another type of language disorder, which prevents you from conveying your information clearly. You will be unable to form sentences accurately or use verb tense properly. Conditions related to the disorder are head trauma, hearing loss and Down syndrome.


Aphasia is a communication problem, which prevents you from understanding others or speaking to a person. Your writing and reading abilities will also have an adverse effect. Stroke is one of the causes of disorders like aphasia.

Cognitive-communicative problems

Serious brain injury can cause communication issues. You may also have memory problems because of this disorder. Some patients also lose the ability to listen or solve problems properly. Again, neurological conditions are also responsible for this disorder.  


Slurred or slow speech is a symptom of dysarthria. Muscles responsible for speech will become weak. Most commonly, nervous system disorders, tongue problems, and throat issues lead to dysarthria. Besides, you have a risk of this disorder if you have a stroke. 


Also known as swallowing problems, dysphagia causes difficulty with swallowing and eating. Moreover, some other common symptoms are dehydration, frequent pneumonia, and weight loss. People affected with this disorder also cough and choke after and during eating food. They also take a lot of time to finish their meals.

How does a speech therapist help you?

A speech pathologist has several responsibilities and starts treatment after evaluating the swallowing and communication abilities of a person. He also diagnoses underlying issues and creates a custom treatment plan. The best therapists track how much you have progressed. During every treatment session, he will help you in various ways-

  • Assist you with the proper sound formation
  • Teach how to speak easily and clearly
  • Use exercises to make your speech muscles stronger
  • Provide alternative and augmentative systems for those who have serious language disorders
  • Educate you and your family about the way to overcome various challenges.
  • Provide aural rehabilitation and other types of treatment for a better quality of life.

A speech therapy session involves various activities-

  • Mouth and tongue exercises– Your speech pathologist will help you do some motions and exercises that strengthen your tongue and other oral parts. Proper exercises are effective in maintaining a coordinated movement pattern of your tongue.
  • Facial movement– Control your facial expression and improve motor skills. Your speech pathologist asks you to smile and then relax the face.
  • Play word games– According to some researchers, crossword puzzles, word searches, memory games, and some other word games refine your cognitive ability. Your thinking skills will also get improved with these activities.
  • Read out loudly– Some speech disorders do not allow you to move your tongue and mouth properly. That is why if you read words loudly, it creates a strong connection between your mouth and brain. 

Is speech therapy a long-term treatment?

Everyone has unique needs, and some speech disorder symptoms go away with age. However, some other people need speech therapy for a number of years. Your therapist will decide on the duration of the therapy depending on 

  • The speech disorder type
  • Your age
  • Severity of your speech disorder- How it affects your ability to communicate 
  • Frequency of your speech therapy sessions
  • Whether you have any other health issues.

Who is the speech pathologist near me?

Many people search for a local pathologist for speech therapy. They can browse online with search phrases like “near me speech pathologist”. Speech therapy may involve one-on-one or group interactions. The therapy varies with your age, needs, and type of disorder. Both adults and children can get in touch with speech therapists.