How to Find Guest Posting Opportunities and Get More Clients (Step-by-Step)

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If you Google “how to get clients as a freelance writer,” you’ll see tons of results about cold pitching. Cold pitching is useful, but it’s not the only way to find high-paying gigs. My first “official” client found me through a guest post. Wait, you can get customers through guest posting? You certainly can! Guest posting is the unseen gem of attracting patrons. Maybe you’ve guest posted a few times. Or perhaps you have no impression of what it is. Anyway, I’ll teach you everything you need to know, link:

  • How to find Guest posting Opportunities
  • How to pitch bloggers and publish your guest post.
  • How to check your referral Traffic Metrics

You’ll also grow access to a slant of free and salaried guest posting openings! It looks nice?

Let’s dive in!

List box:

  1. What is guest blogging?
  2. How does guest posting attract new clients?
  3. How to Submit a Guest Posting and Get More Clients in 9 Steps
  4. Guest posting: Frequently Asked Questions

What is guest blogging?

Credit blogging is when you give an article to another blog for free. Companies implement guest posting in their digital marketing strategy to attract backlinks and more web traffic, but it also links public relations. The main purpose of public relations (PR) is to promote a business with free publicity. PR managers present an important floor to the media. And if the level (and pitch) is good plenty, the media and other influencers will publish and segment with others. The guest posting process is similar. You, a freelance writing business, pitch a few ideas to a reputable blog. If the blog receives you, they will share your post with their companies. The more guest posts you write, the more traffic you get for free. So what makes guest posting important? Why will it help you get customers?

How does guest posting attract clients?

Guest posting attracts clients. Like you, business owners read blog posts and subscribe to newsletters. When they see a considerate post, they’ll reason, I wonder who inscribed that and look at the writer. They might check out your portfolio, and Who Knows? Maybe they will reach you. Need an example? Let’s go back to February 2020. I was two months into my temporary writing trip, having finished a few guest posts and my website, and was starving for skill. I go to my daily inbox check and-wait… am I going to make money from freelance writing?

How to find guest posting openings and entice clients

If you’re new to guest posting, you probably have a lot of questions like:

  • How do I find authority sites?
  • How do I accept?
  • What happens after submitting a post?

It’s time to roll up your sleeves. Below, I’ll teach you the lot you need to know about discovery writing gigs with guest posting.

Is guest blogging bad for SEO?

Google’s Matt Cutts published an infamous blog post in 2014 declaring that “guest blogging is done.” But

He was mainly referring to the low-quality guest blogging that many SEOs were consuming at the time, where they printed low-quality posts on undecided sites just for link-building energies. Writing an obliging, valuable blog post for a recognized, authoritative site with a pertinent audience can immobile help your SEO a lot—and is unlikely to hurt ample.

The guest posting process is similar. You, a freelance writing business, pitch a few ideas to a reputable blog. If the blog receives you, they will share your post with their companies. The more guest posts you write, the more traffic you get for free. So what makes guest posting important? Why will it help you get customers?