5 Simple Things You Can Do To Protect Your Dentures From Breaking

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Although they look pretty sturdy, dentures are actually fragile. This means that they are capable of breaking. And if your dentures happen to break, it can put you in a very awkward situation. You may then find yourself in a frantic search for emergency denture repair services. Even then, in some cases, the dentures may prove to be pretty much irreparable – usually forcing you to spend a lot of money on a new set. Given these facts, the question that comes up is whether there is anything one can do to protect dentures from breaking. Thankfully, the answer is ‘yes’. In this article, we explain 5 simple things you can do to protect your dentures from breaking.

Without further confusion, if you don’t want your dentures to break, you need to:

1. Ensure that you always use a proper denture adhesive

When the dentist issues you with the dentures, they are likely also to recommend a particular denture adhesive. The said adhesive could be one that comes in the form of a liquid or cream or in powder form. Whatever form it comes in, the adhesive serves a very important role. It is what keeps your dentures from falling off the mouth and breaking. The way it works is by mixing with saliva, and subsequently bonding the dentures to the mouth strongly. Thus with regard to adhesive usage, there are two simple things you need to do if you want to protect your dentures from breaking. Just use the right (recommended) type of adhesive. And ensure that you apply it strictly as per the instructions given for its usage.

2. Always handle your dentures carefully and use a towel to create a safe landing spot for them

As we said earlier, there is some level of fragility in the dentures. This being the case, you need to be handling them with care at all times. Otherwise, if you handle them in a rough manner, they may deform. Or worse still, they may break. Either way, you’d likely start desperately searching for services related denture repair near me. Yet you could have avoided all that hassle by just handling the dentures with the care they deserve. A mirror is something you should always have while putting your dentures on or while removing them. It is also essential to always spread a towel on the sink while putting on or removing the dentures. This way, even if they slip, they wouldn’t land on the hard surface (and break). Instead, they would land on the softer cushioning offered by the towel.

3. Use water (or denture-soaking solution) to keep your dentures moist whenever they are outside your mouth

If you allow your dentures to dry out, their bases may become brittle. Then while putting them on, you could easily end up breaking them. It is important to remember that the dentures’ base is usually made using polymer materials. As long as such materials are moist, they tend to be supple and capable of fitting into the mouth easily. At this point, it is important to mention that you really need to get the dentures out of your mouth every night before you sleep. This way, your gums – which do the hard job of holding onto the dentures – get to ‘rest’. And you also minimize the chances of the dentures causing inflammation of the gums (or irritation). Such inflammation/irritation would be a real possibility if you slept with the dentures on. So during these sleep hours, when the dentures are outside your mouth, they should be kept moist. And that is through the use of water or a denture-soaking solution.

4. Use toothpaste that is specially formulated for dentures and avoid chewing on gum

There are certain kinds of toothpaste that are specially formulated for dentures. You need to identify those and ensure that you only ever clean your dentures using them. Otherwise, if you use regular toothpaste, it may prove unbearably harsh for the dentures. And continually brushing your dentures with them may eventually weaken them to a point where they become very prone to breaking. You surely don’t want to end up urgently seeking services for denture repair near me, just because you couldn’t use the right toothpaste.

On another note, you will also find that regular toothbrushes are not very well suited to cleaning dentures. Instead, there are other toothbrushes with soft bristles that are ideal for use with dentures. Those are what you should be using. Further, it is worth noting that chewing on sticky products (like gum) can increase the chances of breaking dentures. Thus if what you wish to attain is fresh breath, you may find that mints make a better choice than gum.

5. Regularly examine your dentures and if you see any cracks, have them promptly addressed

You need to create a habit of examining the dentures regularly. What you should be on the lookout for are cracks – even very minor ones. Note that the small cracks in dentures tend to only get worse with time. The small cracks may be easily fixable. But if you wait for them to get worse, the dentures may just end up falling apart in an irreparable way.

On another related note, it is important to note that the shapes of our mouths don’t stay the same throughout. They tend to change with the passage of time. Thus how your mouth was when you first procured the dentures may be different from its state now. This being the case, it is important for you to create a routine for taking your dentures for adjustments. Otherwise, it may get to a point where they no longer fit properly, making them prone to breaking more easily.

Do you need emergency denture repair in London services? Emergency Dentist London Clinic offers them.

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