A Digestible Guide to Blockchain App Development

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Blockchain remained the most popular issue of 2017, dominating debates on social media, news channels, and in-office groups. Yet, there is currently no indication that the commotion surrounding cryptocurrencies and the blockchain will soon abate.

Blockchain and blockchain app development is becoming incredibly popular, with both supporters and detractors. Because of changing its name and business model in response to the blockchain boom, companies are now making more money.

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Even though blockchain technology is a megatrend with unmatched potential for the future, investing in its development out of a sense of obligation and without a clear understanding of how it may benefit your company would be entirely unrealistic (Kesharwani, 2018).

Therefore, in this post, we will discuss how to use blockchain technology in your business procedures as well as its technical aspects. Continue reading!

Blockchain Technology

In plain English, blockchain is a decentralized, transparent, immutable, and openly accessible database where digital data (transactional records) is stored in blocks and is paired to each other with a hash function so that the current block has the hash code of the previous entry and the next block will have the hash code of the current block.

It functions as a peer-to-peer value exchange network on the business side. A system authorizes a transaction and renders it legally acceptable.

Now that you are aware of what a blockchain is, let us explore the technical side of the technology (blockchain application development), starting with the many varieties of blockchain.

Blockchain System/Solution Types

Two characteristics to use to classify Block chain systems, notably

  • Network.
  • Cryptocurrency support.

Network-Based Blockchain Types

You can choose between permissioned and permissionless blockchain solutions when discussing blockchain development based on networks.

Blockchains without permission: In permissionless blockchains, any computer and device on the network are open to the public. Anyone with access to the code can run a public node on local devices, engage in the network activity, and validate transactions—all while remaining anonymous. Briefly said, a permissionless blockchain is decentralized, equally accessible, and anonymously available. such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Blockchain with permissions: This term describes a restricted ecosystem in which only players with the appropriate roles are allowed to act. These blockchains are built on a set of guidelines that specify how a transaction will be carried out to meet the needs of a specific organization (for eg: for database management, auditing, etc.). Consider multichain.

This kind of blockchain system offers essential features of the blockchain architecture, including automated data synchronization, immutability, the capacity to manage multiple permissions, process automation, and strict privacy and security features, to name a few. These features open the door to the development of more cost-effective and data-driven business models that are more effective and efficient.

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Blockchain Types Based on Support for Cryptocurrencies

Blockchains are broadly divided into cryptocurrency-based and non-cryptocurrency-based solutions based on the participation of cryptocurrencies.

1. Cryptocurrency-based Blockchain: As suggested by the name, these kinds of blockchain solutions operate based on cryptocurrencies. These are the following prominent blockchain types:

a. Wallets: These are private or public digital wallets that are safe to use to send, store, or receive bitcoins. This blockchain type, often known as a cryptocurrency wallet or crypto wallet, primarily deals with the conversion and trading of cryptocurrencies in a centralized, decentralized, or hybrid environment.

b. Crypto Exchange: These are the blockchain systems used to trade cryptocurrencies or digital currencies. They accept credit card payments, postal money orders, and other forms of payment and send the cryptocurrency into your cryptocurrency wallet. They are also called Digital Currency Exchange (DCE) systems.

c. Initial Coin Offerings (ICO): sometimes known as Initial Currency Offerings (ICO), are a type of crowdfunding that deal with the creation and exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.

d. Dapp: A blockchain type that is not under the jurisdiction of a single entity is known as a decentralized app (Dapp, dApp, or DApp). With the use of trustless protocols, it can be operated in real-time by numerous users over a decentralized, P2P network. The best examples of blockchain DApp creation are Augur, Golem, and Sia.

Blockchain solutions that are not reliant on cryptocurrencies are referred to as non-cryptocurrency-based blockchain solutions. This blockchain type is mostly thought of for inventory management and is based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). Are you curious about distributed ledger technology? It is a distributed database from a technical standpoint, utilizing several nodes and computers. Here, the ledger is replicated across each node, allowing for independent processing.

What’s more amazing is that there is no central authority overseeing the ledger. Individual adjustments may be made before the node is put to a vote for the most support possible. Consensus refers to the voting procedure where the majority’s approval is required to make an update. Changes are immediately applied throughout the database as soon as the consensus limit is met.

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Blockchain Development Platforms

Although there are more than 25 platforms for developing blockchain solutions, the best mobile app development companies only take into account the following five:

Ethereum is a platform (and operating system) with open-source and public functionality that is taken into account for blockchain dApp development and initial coin offerings (ICOs). Every blockchain app development company starts with it when creating a blockchain app because, unlike bitcoin, it is versatile and adaptable.

Multichain A platform called Multichain enables mobile app developers to build and implement private blockchain solutions that may be utilized within or between several businesses.

Hyperledger: It is an open-source framework for developing cutting-edge blockchain technologies. For instance, developing IoT-based blockchain solutions or supply chain management blockchain apps.

IOTA: It is an open-source DLT-based technology for facilitating quick and safe payments between interconnected IoT devices. This platform, which builds payment systems, uses directed acyclic graph (DAG) technology and offers distinctive features including free transactions regardless of the transaction amount, quicker confirmation times, handling of an unlimited number of transactions at once, etc.

Quorum: Based on Ethereum, it is an open-source DLT and smart contract platform.


Mridul Kesharwani (2018). A Digestible Guide to Blockchain App Development. https://medium.com/@Mridulkesharwani/a-digestible-guide-to-blockchain-app-development-973b3943a5ce

ER (2020). How to Make Progress on Your Goals When You Feel Unmotivated? https://eazyresearch.com/blog/how-to-make-progress-on-your-goals-when-you-feel-unmotivated/