Benefits of Reading and Writing Blogs

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What is a blog?

The dictionary defines a blog as a regularly updated website or website, usually run by an individual or a small group, written in an informal or conversational style. On the other hand, Wikipedia states that a blog is a discussion or informational website published worldwide. It consists of discrete, often informal, diary-style text entries. Why read blogs?

I started blogging when the blocking started in 2020. It was an impulsive move on my part. I have to say I didn’t really think about it. When the pandemic hit, I tried my best to be productive and in addition to making sure my work and home tasks were done, I made it a point to read at least one book a week.

I read random free books I found on Kindle and one of the books I happened to read was about blogging. It contained what appeared to be basic steps to follow. Since I was looking for something significant to

do (since the company I was working for was temporarily closed), I took the plunge! Like someone who has been hypnotized, I followed the steps and voila! I had my own website! (It actually took me another ten days to get it up and running, all by myself! Thanks to Google and all the helpful blogs that made the information I need available. They wrote in terms I could understand since I had no experience building a website!)

You may be wondering what’s in it for me. It’s been over a year since I started. I’d like to think I’ve improved in my writing and blogging skills, and I have to say I’m enjoying the journey so far! That’s why I’m writing about it today.

Why read blogs? What benefits do reading and writing blogs give?

Why read blogs? Quick reading fix

If you are a natural reader, a blog can give you the satisfaction of reading in a short period of time. It’s like reading magazine articles. I am a reader and more of a non-fiction reader to add to that. Since becoming a mom with a full-time job, I rarely find time to read an entire book, so articles, whether in magazines, pamphlets, or online, will give me a day’s worth of reading or a week’s worth of reading.

Swift brain stretch

On the other hand, if you are not a reader, a blog can stretch your reading neurons. You might add to your vocabulary if you encounter a new word or two in the process. Why read blogs? This is why you need to read blogs once in a while.

Why read blogs?

When you are trying to find information or want to learn about something, a blog offers detailed information. Google will also give you options and you can select or read them all. What I like about blogs is that most bloggers write about their direct experiences. When I’m making travel plans for my family in the pre-pandemic era, I purposely look for blogs because bloggers provide valuable tips also read blog on update blog usa.

Critical thinking hat

Since blogs are sometimes opinionated, you can compare your own opinion with theirs. This nudges you to put your essential thinking hat on. Do you agree with the writer or not? Do you agree why read blogs? This is one of the reasons why.

Why read blogs? A dash of inspiration

Depending on the type of blog you read, most, if not all, offer a piece of advice or two on topics you’re interested in (you have reasons for choosing to read it, right?). Then you can be inspired and motivated. I experience this firsthand when trying out recipes for my family.

Being the functional (not great) cook in our household makes me more adventurous in trying recipes I never thought of trying before! Videos have been popular blog lately, but I find that I still prefer reading to watching.

Why write blogs?

I switched from reading to blogging. Let me tell you, it became my outlet for the months I was writing, especially at the beginning of the pandemic. It made me think positively (so I will write positively) and I have to say it helped me a lot during that time. Now when I write, I learn more about the topics I’m writing about (because I do research) and I also get to use new words.