Housing Disrepair Solicitors in the United Kingdom

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Whether you live in social housing or a privately rented property, your landlord has a legal duty to keep the property you are renting in a reasonable state of repair.

If your landlord is not delivering on this responsibility, you may be able to make a housing disrepair claim. These claims can include compensation for the cost of repairs, inconvenience and any personal injury caused by the damage.

How do I make a claim?

If you are a tenant and have lived in a rented property where the landlord has failed to repair damage in a reasonable time, you may have a claim against them. Our best housing disrepair solicitors UK will help you to make a claim against your landlord or letting agent, and we will ensure that they are liable to compensate you for any losses.

As a tenant, you have a legal obligation to report any repairs that need to be made to your landlord. You also have a duty to provide them with a reasonable amount of time to carry out the work.

Often it is easier to make complaints in writing, however, other evidence can be used such as medical reports, receipts and correspondence from the landlord or any other parties involved. Photographs of rot, damp or mould can also be useful in supporting your claim.

What is disrepair?

Disrepair is a term used to describe the physical deterioration of a property, often caused by the landlord failing to make repairs. It can involve issues such as dampness and mould problems, broken boilers or plumbing issues.

There are a variety of ways for tenants to obtain remedies for housing disrepair and these can be obtained under contract, tort or statute.

The landlord can also be held liable for the breach of their repairing obligation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. Alternatively, the local authority can take action under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and/or the Housing Act 2004 for statutory nuisance.

When a tenant is living in a property that is in disrepair they should report it to their landlord as soon as possible. The landlord must then carry out the repairs within a reasonable time frame.

What can I claim?

If you live in a council or housing association property and your home is in disrepair, it may be time to bring a claim for compensation. These claims are tenant-friendly and are a risk-free way to get your landlord to repair the damage.

Depending on the cause of the disrepair, you can claim compensation in different ways. These can include damages to your belongings, financial losses or personal injury.

You can also claim if you suffer from health problems or a family member develops a medical condition due to the poor conditions in your property. This could be a result of the damp, mould or lack of insulation that you have to live with.

A good solicitor should be able to help you make a housing disrepair claim. They should also be able to offer advice on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) if you want to sort out the problem without going to court.