7 Simple Methods To Whiten Your Teeth Using Baking Soda

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If you want to whiten your teeth, without spending much money, baking soda may help. It is an easy-to-use and effective way to whiten your teeth  Of course, the results you get from the use of baking soda may not exactly be the same as those from professional cosmetic dentistry. People who want truly good teeth whitening results, should visit a dentist in London.

In this article, we shall be looking at some simple methods through which you can use baking soda to whiten teeth. First, though, we need to understand the mechanism through which baking soda whitens teeth.

How baking soda use for teeth whitening

The chemical name for baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. It is a compound that has abrasive properties. And it is its capability as an abrasive that makes it suitable for use in teeth whitening. When it comes into contact with teeth, it is able to scrub off stains, thus making the teeth appear whiter.

It is worth noting that many commercial kinds of toothpaste contain baking soda as an ingredient. This shows that the efficacy of baking soda in this area is not doubtful.

The stains that baking soda is able to remove are specifically extrinsic ones. These are the stains that people get as a result of consuming drinks such as coffee and tea. That is also where we find the stains that people get as a result of smoking.

For people whose teeth discolouration is deeper, baking soda may not be an effective whitening aid. In that case, what one may need is to seek advice from a dentist for teeth whitening London. But for superficial stains, baking soda tends to be very effective.

Oral hygiene tips and best practices

As a side note, we may also mention that baking soda has some antibacterial properties. On account of these, it is able to rid the mouth of troublesome bacteria. It potentially also has the effect of freshening the user’s breath.

The 7 simple methods through which teeth whitening can be using baking soda

Here are the 7 methods through which people can whiten teeth using baking soda:

1. Adding baking soda to hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known bleaching agent. And as we saw earlier, baking soda is an abrasive. Now when you use a bleaching agent hand in hand with an abrasive, it becomes possible to get very good teeth whitening results.

All you need to do is get a little amount of hydrogen peroxide. Onto that hydrogen peroxide, add a tablespoon of baking soda. Stir the mixture to convert it to a smooth paste. Apply the paste onto your toothbrush. Then brush your teeth (with the toothbrush that has the baking soda hydrogen peroxide paste) for two minutes. After that, just be sure to rinse in a thorough manner, with water. Repeat that procedure two times per week, and continue for between 8 and 10 months. You will definitely see some impressive results.

2. Mixing baking soda with lemon juice

With lemon juice comes citric acid, which has some bleaching properties. Now when you mix the lemon juice with baking soda, you get a strong teeth-whitening solution.

In practical terms, what you need to do is squeeze a tablespoonful of lemon juice. Mix that juice with a similar quantity (tablespoonful) of baking soda. Then stir, until you get a paste. Apply that paste onto a toothbrush. Brush your teeth with that paste for two minutes and then rinse your mouth. You only need to repeat the procedure every 2 or 3 months, to whiten your teeth optimally.

3. Using baking soda alongside strawberry

Strawberry contains a compound known as ascorbic acid, which has whitening effects. When you use it alongside baking soda, it is possible to whiten your teeth appreciably.

The first step here is to crush two strawberries within a bowl. Then add a tablespoonful of baking soda. Also, add a little (pinch) of salt. Stir the mixture until it turns into smooth paste. Apply the paste to your toothbrush, and then use it to brush the teeth you wish to whiten for 1-2 minutes. Thereafter, rinse your mouth with water. If you repeat that procedure every couple of weeks for a duration of 2-3 months, you may see good results.

4. Adding baking soda to apple cider vinegar

In apple cider vinegar, we find a compound known as acetic acid, which has the potential to whiten teeth. Upon adding baking soda to the apple cider vinegar, you end up with a high-strength teeth-whitening aid.

The key thing here is to ensure that you add baking soda to apple cider in equal portions. Then stir the mixture until you get a paste from it. What you should do next is a transfer that pastes onto your toothbrush. Thereafter brush your teeth with the paste for a duration of 2-3 minutes and rinse your mouth. But ensure that you only use this method once per few months: otherwise, it may destroy your teeth’s enamel.

5. Adding baking soda to ordinary toothpaste

The main active ingredient in a typical toothpaste is fluoride. This is good for preventing the formation of cavities, as well as protecting dental enamel. On the other hand, baking soda is able to remove stains from teeth, on account of its abrasive property. Therefore when you add baking soda to ordinary toothpaste, you get enhanced teeth whitening capability. This is a rather simple and straightforward approach to teeth whitening that people of London can use.

Now as noted earlier, many kinds of toothpaste contain baking soda as an ingredient. You, therefore, have to start by checking whether your toothpaste contains baking soda. If it does, there is no point in adding more. However, if your toothpaste has no baking soda, you can proceed as follows. Firstly, squeeze out two tablespoons of toothpaste. Onto that, add one tablespoon of baking soda. Then brush your teeth with the mixture for about 2 minutes. After that, be sure to rinse the mouth properly. Repeat the procedure once or twice per week, and it will really help you.

6. Mixing baking soda with coconut oil

Coconut oil contains a compound known as lauric acid, which is able to rid the mouth of plaque. When used alongside baking soda, which has abrasive properties, coconut oil can help in teeth whitening.

The procedure is to mix a tablespoonful of coconut oil with an equal amount of baking soda. Then use the resultant paste to brush the teeth. Keep brushing for about two minutes. Then rinse the mouth with warm water. Repeat the routine once or twice per week, for several months, to get good results.

7. Simply adding water to baking soda

By itself (with only water added), baking soda is still a compound that can help in whitening the teeth to some degree. Therefore if you have no other ingredients, simply use baking soda alongside the water.

You just add water to a tablespoon of baking soda, in order to get a paste. Then brush the teeth with this paste for about 2 minutes. Then complete by rinsing the mouth with water. If you use to repeat this procedure once per week for 2-3 months, you may see a good outcome.

How long does it take for baking soda to whiten the teeth?

Usually, it takes several weeks for positive results from the use of baking soda to start being visible. However, for the full effect to be realized, you may need to use the baking soda consistently for several months.

All in all, don’t expect instant results. As this is not like the teeth whitening treatment that dentist in London provide to their patients.

Is baking soda safe to use for teeth whitening purposes?

As long as you are using it in the right manner, baking soda is safe for teeth whitening.

Don’t use it too often – anything more than two times a week would be too often.

Also, don’t use baking soda if you have braces on your teeth. And in case you experience irritation in gums, cease using the baking soda immediately.

Although backing soda is a useful solution to whiten your teeth, there is a potential for side effects. So If you want to avoid this discomfort you can consider professional treatment. Our teeth whitening clinic in London offers immediate results at a reasonable cost.